Node.js vs Deno - Which server-side JavaScript runtime is better

November 12, 2021

Node.js vs Deno - Which server-side JavaScript runtime is better

If you're new to Javascript, you might be wondering what a server-side Javascript runtime is? Well, all you need to know is that for apps that require server-side programming, a server-side Javascript runtime makes it possible.

But between Node.js and Deno, which one is better? That's what we're here to find out. Let's dive in.


Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform, back-end Javascript runtime environment that executes JavaScript code outside of a web browser. It was developed in 2009 by Ryan Dahl and quickly gained popularity among developers. Node.js is built on top of the V8 engine, which is the same engine that Google Chrome uses.


Deno is a relatively new server-side runtime for Javascript that was created in 2018 by Ryan Dahl, the creator of Node.js. Similarly to Node.js, it is built on top of V8, but it has some notable differences. For instance, Deno is more secure than Node.js It doesn't allow access to the file system by default, random URL imports, and environment variables.

Comparing Node.js and Deno

To help you decide which server-side runtime to use, let's compare Node.js and Deno.


When it comes to speed, Node.js is faster than Deno. According to a TechEmpower benchmark, Node.js outperforms Deno in every test. Of course, this doesn't mean that Deno is slow. Deno's performance is still on par with other server-side runtimes that use other languages.

Ease of use

Node.js is more user-friendly than Deno. This is mostly because Node.js has been around much longer and has had more time to mature. Additionally, Node.js has a larger community, which means that finding resources and getting help when you need it is much easier.

With Deno, it might take you longer to get started because it's newer, and there aren't as many resources available. However, once you've gotten the hang of it, it's just as easy to use as Node.js.


Deno is more secure than Node.js. Deno comes with strict permissions, which limit the scripts it can execute. For example, Deno doesn't allow access to environment variables or the file system by default.

On the other hand, Node.js has been known to have some vulnerabilities. However, it's not necessarily because Node.js is inherently insecure. Instead, it's because of third-party modules that are used with Node.js.


Node.js is more compatible than Deno. Since Node.js has been around for longer, it has a large community and has been used in more applications. As a result, there are many more libraries and third-party dependencies available for Node.js.

Deno, on the other hand, is still a relatively new runtime, which means that there are fewer libraries and dependencies available. This makes it harder to find the resources you need when developing an application in Deno.


In conclusion, both Node.js and Deno are great server-side runtimes for Javascript. Node.js is more established and has a larger community and support, making it more user-friendly. Plus, it's faster than Deno.

However, if you're looking for a more secure runtime, Deno is the way to go. Deno comes with strict permissions to limit the scripts it can execute.

Ultimately, the choice between Node.js and Deno depends on your personal preference and the requirements of your project.


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